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Holding Annual Conferences

The Society holds an annual conference in spring or autumn, in order to establish and deepen the new academic field of social design, to promote cooperation and collaboration among researchers and practitioners, as well as to foster human resources and networks of knowledge in fields such as community design, corporate social responsibility (CSR), international cooperation, peacebuilding and peaceful coexistence, nonprofit activities (NPO, NGO, and volunteer activities), crisis management, urban disaster prevention, and cultural and artistic organizations, by means of research presentations.


Publication of Academic Journal

Our journal “Social Design Review” is published on a regular basis and public calls are issued widely. The journal aims to be a forum for the dissemination of advanced information on social design research in Japan through the publication of papers in a variety of genres, such as research papers, reports, reviews, and case studies.


Implementation of Research Projects

While learning from the academic achievements that have been accumulated in the seven research fields indicated below, the Society aims to deepen and establish the new philosophy of "social design" and realize it in contemporary society. With this in mind, and depending on the interests of our members, we will form project teams comprising academics and practitioners to conduct practical research on themes in each area or on cross-disciplinary themes.


Community Design Field

The study of community design and regional development from the perspective of social design by citizens


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Field

The study of CSR regarding corporations in civil society and in terms of theory, management, and human resource development from the perspective of social design


International Cooperation, Peacebuilding, and Peaceful Coexistence Field

The study of international cooperation and peacebuilding activities by governments, international organizations, civil society organizations, etc. and the coexistence of world citizens from the perspective of social design


Nonprofit Activities (NPO, NGO, and volunteer activities) Field

The study of the theory, management and human resource development concerning NPOs, NGOs, and volunteer activities from the viewpoint of social design


Crisis Management Field

The analysis of issues pertaining to crisis management by the government, municipalities, corporations, and other organizations, and the pursuit of suitable forms of crisis management for civil society


Urban Disaster Prevention Field

The identification of issues related to disaster prevention and the conduct of research with a view to strengthening disaster preparedness through broad participation by the government, municipalities, NPOs, and citizens


Cultural and Artistic Organizations Field

The study of the theory, management, and human resource development of cultural and artistic organizations in contemporary society with a view to the proper enrichment of civil society


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